Things to Know Before Hiring a Security Guard?

A security guard is a person who provides protection for private properties or private individuals. These guards are unarmed and are authorized to operate on private property. They must go through a thorough screening process to ensure that they are trustworthy. This includes a background check and in-house training before they are allowed to begin operations. This article will help you find reputable security guard services in Dubai.

What Is Their Salary?

The cost of hiring security guards can be quite expensive. Security guard salaries depend on several factors, including their experience and the location where they are assigned. Also, prices tend to be higher in urban areas compared to those in rural areas. The cost of guards also rises with the crime rate in the area. Since most break-ins take place at night, after-hours posts tend to be more expensive than daytime posts. Additionally, 24/7 surveillance may double the cost of daytime guards.

Training Requirements

There is a lack of training standards for people who provide security guard services in New York City, according to an investigation by City Limits. While state agencies try to ensure that private security companies follow the law, there is a mess of confusion in the system. Some training schools do not offer the necessary training, leaving people free to get a certificate without any training at all.

In addition to completing the required training, security guards must take at least one more course after their first year of employment. Typically, these courses last between one and five days. Some employers also offer additional training after the employee is hired, in addition to or instead of the formal course. Additionally, some employers may offer firearms training separately.


Security guard services are responsible for the protection of people, property, and facilities. They may be stationary or mobile and perform a variety of tasks. For example, they may monitor alarms and check credentials of visitors, protect information such as access codes, or patrol large buildings. In addition, they may screen passengers and freight for weapons or explosives. These services are often staffed by retired police officers.

Depending on the contract, security guards may be armed. They also have varying degrees of training and may be required to interact with the public. The salary and duties of security guards differ considerably. While some are trained to protect a specific type of property, others are less well-trained and may have to deal with the public on a daily basis.


Security guards play an important role in the safety of a building. They must keep a lookout for any misconduct on the premises and report the problem to the appropriate authority. They should also be able to manage crowds and parking. A skilled security officer can contribute to the society in many ways.

Whether you are looking for hotel security service or security guards for your home, they must follow company policies, which include searching for weapons and preventing access to areas with prohibited activities. They should also advise the public on safe practices and safety precautions. They also need to have good communication skills and decisive leadership skills to ensure that people are safe.